Smart Factory – Boosting Productivity with Digital Solutions

Increasing product diversity and shorter response times call for new digital processes. We can help you enter the world of the Smart Factory with tailored solutions that will benefit you directly.

IoT is not just for the big players – digitalization offers a great deal of potential when it comes to the optimization of day-to-day processes.

Digital Processes Tailored to Your Production

Data Interfaces

Open interfaces (OPC-UA) for data exchange and basis for connecting machines to other systems and complete integration into overall processes.

Data Visualization

Clear display of machines and their production data as well as errors and messages on dashboards that are intuitive to use.

Smart Machines

Machines that automatically optimize quality and performance with artificial intelligence and innovative software approaches.

Smart Tools

Tools and tool parameters belong together. To make tool management as easy as possible, WAFIOS tool data is stored centrally and can be called up directly from the machine at any time.

Error Diagnosis

During the test run, our FMU+ machines receive a unique digital fingerprint of the axis states. By comparing with this fingerprint, errors can be identified and rectified quickly during servicing.

Condition Monitoring

By monitoring the condition of the machine during production, patterns that may lead to faults can be documented – enabling early detection on a long-term basis. These are the first steps toward predictive maintenance.

Open Interfaces with OPC-UA

  • Fully open systems for complete networking of the machine
  • OPC-UA interfaces to connect the machine to existing infrastructure
  • Application possibilities: machine-machine communication
  • Communication with the higher-level control level or the cloud

In summary: Rapid data exchange to make work more efficient.

Practical Example: Intelligent Crane Scale

Thanks to our open system approach, WAFIOS machines can easily be networked with other systems. For example: The crane scale can transmit the coil weight to the machine, the machine determines automatically whether or not there is enough wire for the job and requests more wire fully automatically.

In summary: Improved material management to make work more efficient.